Projects, like life, evolve and change. Goals are evaluated, re-evaluated. Reasons are examined, values tested. And then, after much thought and deliberation, actions are taken to bring that new evolution to fruition.
When I first started Math Fact-orials, I was seeking to re-create the experience I was having at - an experience of engaging with students, answering their questions, and finding within myself a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.
Then came the realization that where my heart really lay was in creating an online, inter-linked, education resource that would help show not just how things work, but why they work and where they came from. From this came the birth of Fact-orials. While that project envisions being able to explain everything at a level where a pre-teen can understand any given subject, it's also designed for curious adults who wonder "How is it that the Pythagorean Theorem, a^2 + b^2 = c^2, works?". (The answer is - I don't know. But I intend to write about it when I do find out...).
My heart also lies in creating content that helps adults live their lives. Helping people understand just what it means where a $100 shirt is 10% off (you pay $90 before any sales taxes), how to work that out on a calculator (1 - 0.1 x 100 = 90) and then to understand if it's actually a good deal (the same shirt in a different store for full retail of $85 is still a better deal than the one on sale) - these are topics that are of interest to me.
Also important is having a way to talk about things that aren't strictly financial, but more of opinion pieces where I can try to break down complicated (and often deliberately obfuscated) issues into what I hope are thought-provoking simple ideas that everyone can relate to.
As a result, while my goals for Fact-orials have't changed and that project will continue to steam along, Math Fact-orials will change signifcantly:
- Math Fact-orials will now be focused on what I like to call Household Math and also on opinion pieces,
- Math Fact-orials will no longer accept nor answer questions from students,
- The academic content currently on Math Fact-orials, as Fact-orials expands, may become part of that project, but will no longer be hosted on Math Fact-orials,
- Entries on Math Fact-orials will no longer be daily (not that they've been for the last little while, but now I'm officially comfortable with that state of affairs).
I want to thank you, one and all, for reading this and continuing to support me as I continue to explore my interests, my passions, and my heart's desire.
THanks For Everything!