Tuesday, August 28, 2018

#Science - What's an electrolyte? And why should I care?


I'm on a new eating regime and I keep hearing about paying attention to my electrolytes. What are they and why should I care?


They are minerals and compounds that allow electrical impulses within the body to function. They are important because having an imbalance (whether over or under) can cause a host of symptoms, some of which can be dangerous.
In all things dealing with your health, when in doubt, seek out the advice of a physician! 


The human body is an amazing thing. One thing that makes it absolutely amazing is the number of ways information gets processed and transferred throughout the body and one of those ways is by using electrical impulses (this is primarily in the nervous and muscular systems).

In order to achieve electrical impulses, we need things that allow electricity to move - which is to say, when certain materials are dissolved in water (and humans are primarily water), electricity can move (the technical term being conduct).

The number of things that electrolytes are directly involved in are many, but a few are that they regulate blood pH and blood pressure, regulate muscle and nerve function, and heal tissues.

Those materials are called electrolytes and according to www.medicalnewstoday.com in their article on the subject, the following materials are electrolytes in the body:

  • sodium 
  • potassium 
  • calcium
  • bicarbonate
  • magnesium
  • chloride
  • phosphate
As a side note, some forms of iron can act as an electrolyte but in the form it resides in the body, it doesn't.

Ok - we've covered what it is. So now to why should you care.

I'll first say that, with you being on a new eating regime, which I'm going to assume is a diet restriction, you're more at risk of electrolyte shortage than of overage (both of which are bad). While the body has the ability to eliminate overages (to a point - the body can be overwhelmed with electrolytes, especially in the face of certain medical conditions - the link has a lot more on that sort of thing), the only way to address an electrolyte shortage is to consume more electrolytes.

This is where things like supplements might come into play or eating certain types of foods to make up the difference.

According to www.healthline.com's article, some of the common symptoms of electrolyte shortage are:

  • muscle cramping and weakness
  • headaches, confusion, irritability
  • fatigue, lethargy
  • fast and/or irregular heartbeat
  • digestive disorders, such as constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting
Symptoms are different depending on which electrolyte is out of balance. 

And remember - if in doubt, see your doctor!

As always, questions and comments welcome!

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