Sunday, August 19, 2018

#Budgeting, #Household Math - Budgeting - what happens if the numbers add up to bad news?


I've done the steps of listing out my expenses, putting in the numbers, and then identifying my income and it turns out my expenses are higher than my income. What now?


First verify the numbers are correct. Then begin to address areas that can be improved. Lastly, be open to change - if there's a large deficit, you may have to be open to things such as government assistance and the like.


Before we get into what might you do to adjust your living situation, let's first verify that the budget is accurate. Ironically, the bigger the difference between income and expenses, the easier it'll be to verify the numbers.

If the difference is quite big and it has been happening for some period of time (and the budget is accurate), then the money that you've been spending has to have been coming from somewhere. Are your credit card balances increasing? or is there a running balance on your cards? Is your bank balance or investments balance decreasing? Are you borrowing larger and larger sums of money and having difficulties paying it back?

Again, the bigger the deficit and the longer the period of time this has been the case, the easier it'll be to see where the money is coming from. (If it turns out your bank, investment, and debt balances are not changing, then it may be the case that something has been left out of the budget or there's a math mistake).

Let's say you've verified the numbers and they are correct - expenses are higher than income. What can be done?

First off, stop and breathe. Be proud of yourself for bringing the situation to light. Coming to grips with a difficult to accept situation is praise-worthy, so take a minute and give thanks that you now have the knowledge that your financial health isn't what you thought it was.

Ok - now we can address the situation. What is the magnitude of the deficit?  If it's small then it may be that eating out a little less or other types of luxuries can be cut back and that will solve the problem.

With deficits that are larger, it'll require more work. For some people, it may require obtaining outside help, such as public assistance, to be able to keep some version of your financial life intact. For others, it may require a severe downsizing or moving from a high-cost location to a lower-cost location.

Again, the most important thing is to work with what is known. The worst thing to do when faced with a deficit in the budget is to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. That is the road to disaster.

So what if income is higher than expenses? Great news! Now - did you verify the budget is correct by checking your bank/investment/debt balances? Are they moving in the correct directions? If so - good! If not - you've missed something!

With the budget numbers in front of you, do you see anything that looks like you could do better? Is the dining out budget too high or is it right on? Are there opportunities to save even more money?

With all of this, remember that the budget is a living document in that it should be changed when there is a life change.

This post is part of a series on budgeting - Budgeting 101


As always, questions and comments always welcome!

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