Monday, August 13, 2018

#Budgeting, #Household Expenses - Budgeting for Expenses - Putting in numbers...


I've made my list of expenses. Now what?


Let's add some numbers! 


In my last budgeting blogpost, I talked about identifying all the expenses and ways that money leaves your pocket. We want to look at the budget over the course of a sensible and useable timeframe, and that's usually one month.

The overall idea here is to budget for expenses using the Accrual Method - as soon as you are obliged to pay an amount, that should be recorded in your budget. This is why credit card payments will not make an appearance on this budget - we don't care how we pay for something, we only care that we need to pay.

Some items in our list of expenses are very easy to figure out monthly. Rent, mortgage payments, car payments, and the like are usually a single monthly payment and are easy to put into our budget sheet.

Some expenses are monthly but fluctuate. Electricity costs, for example, fluctuate based on the season (when it's colder, the costs go up). For costs that fluctuate, cycle, or otherwise change significantly over the course of the year, I'd recommend adding up the amount spent over the course of a year, then dividing by 12.

Other expenses are yearly. For instance, when paying insurance costs, I tend to pay a yearly lump sum, which results in a bit of a discount. Again, drop those costs into the yearly column and divide by 12.

And for costs that are every few months? Find the costs per year and divide by 12.

Here's an example:

This post is part of a series on budgeting - Budgeting 101


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